Surely the red rose of love must follow "HIM" where ever "HE" may go,
for love for "HIM" shall never fade.


For our love for }{}{}{Pooky the SilverWolf and little blue eyed ShiShi}{}{}{
{And for what they so lovingly did for us}

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We hope to be of some small help to those who grieve as deeply as we do over the loss of a beloved
furbaby, a feathered one or a scaley one.
We will try to keep links updated.
It would be our pleasure to do pages of Tribute for you and your soulmate,
the one you have loved and lost.
Please feel free to let us know.

We are fierce and we are proud
Sharing our sorrow, we sing aloud.
Standing together we shall not fall
For it's "All for one and One for all".
We honor our Father, the Healer,
He is our leader; We look to him.
With his She-wolf by his side
He tends the Pack Pages,
Displays our pride.
Those who seek us shall always find
We stand ready to heed the call,
To care, to listen, and be a friend.
To share our space and time
And tell our tales of loss and woe
So that others may also know
That to share their burden
Will lighten their load.
But listen well friend, and beware
For we will not suffer fools gladly
Our leader, our Healer,
We will defend to the bitter end
If you should try to use him badly.
Brothers and sisters are we all
For it's "All for one, and One for all"!

written by Peg R. aka SugarWolf 10/31/2003

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