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Three Soulmates, Three Loves, Three Hearts beat as one
On June 24, 2005 Miss Kitty made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge at the tender
age of 2. In January she had started vomitting, but the vets just diagnosed it
as a food allergy. This repeatedly continued, until this past Thursday,
and then after she became increasingly worse. On Saturday we had taken her to
our regular vet for a steroid shot, and for some anti vomitting meds, but her
condition only worsened. On Sunday we took her to the ER vets, where she would
stay to at least Tuesday. They did blood work, and found her EXTREMELY dehydrated,
and with elevated kidney levels. They treated her for kidney disease
(though it was not known for sure at the time), and the dehydration,
keeping eye on her all through the day and night. She came home on Tuesday,
then Wednesday we took her back to our regular vet for a follow up,
and more blood tests to check and make sure her kidney values had gone down.
Well Thursday we got the results back...she was for sure in kidney failure:(
She had no quality of life...she hadnt eaten in a week, refused to drink
(though was getting subq fluids) All she did was hide.
We let her go in peace Friday...where I know she was greeted by Squeaky
and all the Bridge Angels with open paws. Miss Kitty enjoyed perching upon high
dressers and book cases, where she can look down upon her 'kingdom'.
She was the supreme kitty ruler of our home, and always queen of our hearts.
She always wanted to be outside, and now she can be...as much as she wants.
We love you Miss Kitty.....enjoy your new freedom, and your perfect health.
Someday, we'll meet again....
Love With All My Heart...
Jessie~ Squeakys & Miss Kitty's Forever Mom

After We Part
Our hearts are forever linked, we are part one of the other
We bound our souls together and a journey we began
We faced the world as one as we traveled through this life
We chose our trail and then began walking hand in hand
Now I continue the journey on the path we had chosen
And as I face our path alone and you travel on ahead
I know that you are also here to guide and guard my steps
To help me to keep true to the path where once you lead
And though now there is only a single set of footprints
I do not fear for I know that I still travel on with you
I feel you as you continue to lead and guide my steps
As you continue leading me from just beyond my view
(c) Candace aka GhattenWolf
Show me that you remember our lives together. Let each step on the path to peace
of heart get easier for you. There are so many memories that you can remember
that will help you. I am always near, I would never leave you alone, and you
are too dear to my heart. Look up into the blue sky and smile for me,
let me see your beautiful smile again. Let it light up your face and our hearts
at the same time. I come to you in many ways, in your tears that help wash the
pain away. In your heart, in your soul and your dreams. If you think you see me
out of the side of your eye, you do. Listen to the wind very carefully and you
will hear me whisper to your heart, I love you. Where ever you are I am there
too. Let yourself heal, and I will be watching over you to help you find

Waves of Sorrow
When the waves of Sorrow lap at your feet,
And they work up to your heart.
Silver hued tears run down your cheeks,
And naught but sadness does impart.
Think of this place called Rainbow’s Bridge,
And the wondrous glory there.
A silent shadow looks down from a ridge,
And stands on edge your hair.
What is this wondrous graceful sound I hear,
That whispers to me on the breeze?
It is a sound that whispers peace,
And fills my heart with ease.
Is this my love that comes to me,
And whispers on the breeze?
It seems to say feel not guilt,
Listen to my whispers please.
Daddy, mommy, I Love You,
Forever and one day.
In your heart feel not blue,
Just listen to what I say.
I speak to you with sounds of love,
From high upon this ridge.
I wait for you to come above,
I’m happy at Rainbow Bridge.
Written by LoboWolf aka Don Dade
Globes made by GhattenWolf for sister SqueakyWolf