a comforting thought at the close of the day, When
I'm weary and lonely and sad, That sort of grips
hold of my crusty old heart and bids it be merry
and glad. It gets in my soul and drives out the blues, And
finally thrills through and through It is just a
sweet memory that chants the refrain: "I'm glad
I touched shoulders with you!"
Did you know
you were brave, did you know you were strong? Did
you know there was one leaning hard? Did you know
that I waited and listened and prayed, And was cheered
by your simplest word? Did you know that I longed
for that smile on your face, For the sound of your
voice ringing true? Did you know I grew stronger
and better because I had merely touched shoulders
with you?
I am glad that I live, that I battle
and strive For the place that I know I must fill; I
am thankful for sorrows, I'll meet with a grin What
fortune may send good or ill. I may not have wealth,
I may not be great, But I know I shall always be
true, For I have in my life that courage you gave When
once I rubbed shoulders with you.

Wolf Of The Month
For this first "Wolf of
the Month" for the New Year, "This
Pack of Wolves" does hereby declare that we
shall honor the Fatherwolf, "Lobo", for the
many ways he has "been there" for
so many of us. For his Faithfulness, Caring, and
Love, for building us this beautiful site, and safe
chatroom, we thank you from the deepest recesses
of our hearts. For
all you do, we thank you Don.
There are Loyal Hearts, there are
spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and
true; Then give to the world the best you have, And
the best will come back to you.
Give love, and
to your life love will flow, A strength in your utmost
need; Have faith, and a score of hearts will show Their
faith in your word and deed.
Give truth, and
your gift will be paid in kind, And honor will honor
meet; And a smile that is sweet will surely find A
smile that is just as sweet.
Give sorrow and
pity to those who mourn; You will gather flowers
again The scattered seeds of your thought outbourne, Though
the sowing seemed but in vain.
For life is a
mirror of King and Slave- 'Tis just what we are and
do; Then give to the world the best that you have, And
the best will come back to you.